One should love man I was learning by night and day. What should one love? I answered man

Tadeusz Różewicz In the Middle of Life

“FREAKS” Trailer

Artificial turf, heaps of grey ducks – a world filled with desires, dreams and imagination. Prometheus turns against God and creates himself in his image. Chaos reigns, mankind is born.

This is a play dealing with the dichotomy of human beings. How much individuality is accepted? How much assimilation required? What is the essence of humanity?

Duration: 60 minutes
Premiere: 09.02.2013, Heimspiel Festival, Dampfzentrale Bern
The Artistic Commission in Poland chose our production “FREAKS” out of 95 performances submitted to be presented at the Polish Dance Platform on 7-9 November 2014 in Lublin, (Poland)

Casts and Credits:

Idea, concept and design: Sławek Bendrat and Dominik Krawiecki
Choreography and costumes: Sławek Bendrat
Stage direction: Dominik Krawiecki and Simon Reimold (track1)
Play and dance: Slawek Bendrat, Dominik Krawiecki, Valentin Markus Oppermann, Tomek Pomersbach, Marek Wieczorek (new cast)
Technic: Jonas Weber
Video: Hermann Posch
Photos: Monika Chmielarz and Hermann Posch
Production Manager: Angelika Rohrer
This production is sponsored by: Kultur Stadt Bern, Kultur Kanton Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern

Special thanks to:

Dampfzentrale Bern
New Dance Academy Bern
Wörkshophus Bern, Hansruedi Egli
X.F.H.K Freie Haar-Kultur Bern, Gianni Izzo und Channel